lunes, 16 de junio de 2008


How is up there?
Are they happier?
How would be love without
The currents grazing?
Would it be easier to smile
In the middle of wind?

I wish being up there at least one day

and discover how living between flowers and air is.

How is down there?
Would they live more peacefully than here?
Is it more special the touch of scales?
I am sure they only enjoy the thousands fishes colours.
It would be great remaining below

and finding peace and silence under the big ocean.

jueves, 12 de junio de 2008

"Be guided by inuition, by desire, that is the healthiest thing you have"

martes, 10 de junio de 2008


The following, is an interview that has done, to a person living under the sign of Nene love.

What have you been told about living Nene love style?
I don’t care what everybody else say, what I do is not their concern, they don’t get it, ‘till the release themselves, they wont understand, they live in a shell and everything in the outside and unknown is wrong; I am not interested in they to understand, while I do not affect others I am going to do what I want

My friends have told me: “You should change” they said so because they love me, they say if I don’t change I m going to finish in the crap, they don’t understand either and I respect them. Now they are more used and say nothing at all: I love them because even when they don’t agree in the way I live and what I do, they support me and respect my space and time. If I finish in the crap OK! if that’s the price for satisfaction, for fullness living, for being myself and enjoy the world I take it; I do not think in the future, as the present in overwhelming, it wraps me, it calls me, I give myself to life and I trust to the pleasure itself to save me, I am it’s son, I live for pleasure, I wake up and sleep feeling it, is my father, my God, my virgin, that’s why I want to live from it, become old and vibrate ‘till the very end, I want to go in ecstasy as I came here.

Are you afraid to die?
Never, die for my is another step only. I am afraid of not to live, I am afraid of not being happy, afraid of doing something I do not want to, I am afraid of not findig my destiny;
I think when the moment of dying comes; there must be a certain delight in the soul, as when you cross the goal in a race, getting the first place or not.

Have you had encounters with police?
They all are ass, corrupted, I wish there were not police at all, I avoid them, and they are like serpents poisoning everything they can. In this country, thief who steals a thief has the permission of the jurisdiction, go to the streets and look at them, observe them, ask to people and they will all agree.

And… society?
There are people who live locked, oppressed, shamed about themselves, and that’s the reason we have lunatics, suicidal persons etc. It is their fault, so much pressure and suddenly all explode and people go and make crazy things, go to the tube and stab 17 people. Why are you so afraid? Society have done this, they have become instinct, joy and freedom into a sin.

Have any religion?
“Religion is the opium of the masses” Charles Marx, everything religion touches gets confused, it’s the excellent domination weapon. If there are people who can go away from it, go away, I was a victim and I ran away. Is that the reason everything forbidden attracts me?

What about love?
Love is in every one of us and everywhere.

Have you ever thought about establishing with some one?
Sure! Lot’s of times, it is like a dream to me, I am very hopeful, the world is going to give me the chance to generously share myself with someone else, and if not, I have the whole world to give love.

Have you ever thought on changing your life style?
Why? This is what I love the most in this life, this is what I want to do, what fills me and makes me happy, if I find something better I perhaps change it, but just leave it because the rest of the people think is wrong, no I wont, it’s a plus.

Do you think your health is in risk?
So far I have managed it very well, I have had some setbacks, I have to be honest, but I have learn from it, I truly hope not to do the same mistakes I have done. I feel very good.
Everything has risks, going to the streets, get on a plane, drink coca cola zero, etc. if I live thinking in all the risks, I would miss enjoy the world. I would better live in an eternal sleep, and even then, there are risks, I could drown with my own saliva. See? There are risks everywhere, there has to be learnt to take them with prudence and intelligence.

Are you intelligent?
I am not.

Have you ever thought: “I have gone too far”?
Who settles the limits? Who says where is too far? Only me.

A final comment?
Live and let live, respect, experiment and enjoy it, Love is the greatest gift God has given to us. Guys open and share yourselves with the world, be happy and give love.

The picture above is taken from Saulo Piñeyro's gallery, any of the people pictured is the interviewed, however it shows pretty well the image of a Nene lover.

miércoles, 4 de junio de 2008


It is early morning, the sun just born in the west behind the hills, with shiny blue colouring the sky, leaving at the back, the nocturnal black.

Shattered by weariness Mabanekou woke up, closed his eyes praying for the night could last longer, and then, into to deeply sleeping again, he fell.

Sunlight’s golden rays were all over Mabanekou’s room, making it all bright; he felt rare and opened his eyes, he felt light as done of some gas, as if he formed part of the air. Something got his attention to the mirror close to him, oscillating and ethereal, he was attracted by the mirror, and behind, like a shape in a window, there was a black haired woman, sand skin colour, she was staring intensely at Mabanekou, he didn’t feel his legs, he was feeling like smoke; like a spirit; he was face to face to that unknown woman; he felt abruptly sucked in by an air current to inside the mirror, he grabbed himself of the frame, his gaseous form was hard to control, his head was absorbed; he felt lots of air and closed his eyes, he opened them again when the steam decreased: everything was grey, slowly the figure of his room was drowned, Mabanekou was out of his physical form watching himself through the mirror like a spirit spying behind the window.

Mabanekou was surprised, he took his head out from the mirror as he breathed out, as a leaf on the wind he fell over his physical container, he took a look to his legs and was admired when he saw four legs instead of two, he turned to see who was under him, he realized it was himself, he was out of his body, feeling like a gas, being an spirit. Mabanekou breathed in deeply and lifted himself to the sealing, he was watching his room all lightened by the morning sun; he breathed out deeply and went suddenly out through the window, floating like a cloud, he could not believe what he was watching, he was floating, going higher to the sky.

Sublime, overwhelmed, it was the first time Mabanekou felt so, he left his body to become gas, air and fly over houses, he was not thinking, his spirit delighted because of the magnificent union he felt with the sky, with the world and nature.

From above, Mabanekou could see the houses; he was amazed as nobody could see him, but he could see the whole town, there was something that praised him. There were people on the windows, looking inside the houses, people on the sealing; he immediately realized that those people are the spirits living with us but we can not see, probably feel, probably hear, but almost never see, there were lots of them. Mabanekou understood their presence among us, in other frequency but in the same line; there were women, men, old people, children and mothers with their babies, lots of people in his window when he turned to see his house; “they probably found out now; that body sleeping is just a sack of bones and blood” he thought.

Impel himself to far places Mabanekou wanted to, so far ‘till he could not see the sunshine, he wanted to go where his teacher and friend is; he felt something in his hands that stopped him when he tried to go: electricity inside his fingers and a green light coming out of them, he did not know what it was, but it felt good, he knew that green light full of energy was special. While he was looking at his hands a strong air current pushed him to his room, even when he fought to stay, he vanished from the sky and fell on his material form

When he fitted on his slept body, he inhale deeply and opened his eyes, looked a the window and at the mirror, got up rapidly and tried to stick his head inside the mirror, as he did earlier, he hit his head with the mirror and realized it was impossible, he was completely back inside himself.

Mabanekou set down closed his eyes, and recalling what he just experienced, prayed to Father/mother/God to answer his questions “what do I have in my hands?” “Why are these people always watching me?” “What should I do?”

He stayed in silence for a while, waiting for the night to be able to sleep and could fly, and maybe, upon the sky, find his path.